Open Forum – 06/11/20, 8pm

Open Forum – 06/11/20, 8pm

Open Forum

Everybody has questions about the deep matters of life: God, afterlife, suffering in the world, disease, faith, morality, and everything in between. These are questions that all deserve answers! So on June 11, 2020, 8pm, Cleveland Heights Church will be hosting an “Open Forum” livestream event (which will be posted right here on this page!)  where many of these difficult questions will be asked and answered by a panel of Christians who are experts in the fields of science, theology, and literature, who have also wrestled with many of those same questions! All of our questions to be answered will be collected from real people of all backgrounds, ages, and races. So if you have your own question that you would like to be answered by our panel, then we encourage you to use our online form to submit a question. No question is out of the question! This will be a judgment-free space; any question submitted will be considered and will be given an honest and serious answer during the livestream event. If you have been looking for answers, now is your opportunity to hopefully find what you’ve been looking for!

Submit your question online, so that your question will be given priority during the Open Forum. Scroll down to see the question submission form. Below that, you can find some of the questions that have been asked already that will be answered during our livestream event. Check to see if your question is already being asked!

The livestream will take place on YouTube Live, but if you come to this webpage at 8pm on June 11, we will embed the link right here so you don’t have to go find us on YouTube. Bookmark this page if you need to so you can find it again!

We hope to see you there!

YouTube Livestream

Below, you can view the full livestream event that went live on June 11, 2020 at 8pm.

Question Submission Form

Here are some questions that have been asked:

  1. Why does God make people suffer from diseases and pain?
  2. How can I know that I am saved and have eternal life?
  3. How can Christianity be the one true belief system, when other religions are also so deep and complex?
  4. If the Lord knows everything and all of our needs before we ask, why does He tell us to pray fervently and often?
  5. How does one process self-healing?
  6. If a person is in an emotional situation, what would cause them not to be able to pray to God or connect with God in a spiritual way? Is there any scripture that would explain this?