Quick Intro to Micah

Micah prophesied to Judah about the same time as Isaiah, during the reigns of king Jotham through Hezekiah. He chastises the wicked rulers, priests, and the schemers of iniquity found in Judah, and wails for the coming judgment. Through many puns, he describes the fate of Judean cities in the…

Quick Intro to Zephaniah

Zephaniah prophesied in the days of Josiah, contemporaneous with Jeremiah. His message is of complete judgment of the whole earth on the day of the Lord. This includes the nations who are enemies of Judah and Judah herself who was rebellious and who heeded no voice. The remnant of Israel…

Quick Intro to Ezekiel

Ezekiel was a prophet during Israel’s final fall. His eponymous book contains many different forms of literature. He seems to have been a deeply and broadly knowledgable man, well-prepared to write at that historical moment. Like a great movement that started in Exodus ended with a return to alienation and…