“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8 ESV.
Jesus Christ is completely awesome. The Apostle Paul saw the surpassing worth of knowing Christ and counted everything else to be loss. When he had the opportunity to gain Christ, he counted everything he lost as rubbish, garbage, and nothing in comparison. Being a Christian is not about self help, feeling good, and merely being in a community. It is life of exploring, discovering, and intensely pursuing the awesome Person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christians should be crazy about Christ. But why are we so enthralled with Him? What is so great about Him? To know this, you must simply what Jesus is like. This series describes him. It discusses one of his attributes each week.
Jesus is not like things in the world. The closer you look at things in the world, the more imperfections you may see. However, the closer you look at Christ, the more marvelous He appears, the more worthy He grows in your eyes.
Let’s have a life where we run the race set before us looking away to Jesus. Let’s explore Him more, love Him more, and gain Him more.
Messages in this series:
- Scripture: Jesus Emptied and Humbled Himself
- Scripture: Jesus is the Radiance of God’s Glory