Quick Intro to Zechariah

Zechariah prophesied along side Haggai to the Jews who returned to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. Whereas Haggai's prophecies are very practical touching housing, food, and drink, Zechariah's prophecies take the reader to heavenly, eternal realms. The nine visions that begin this book include subjects like Christ seeking to restore…

Quick Intro to Ezra

Ezra is a record of two groups who return to rebuild the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. It's a book of recovery and restoration. It began with Cyrus, a gentile king, decreeing that anyone whose spirit was willing could return to rebuild their God's temple…

Quick Intro to Joshua

Joshua is entirely concerned with conquering and possessing the good land as Israel's inheritance. Israel crosses the Jordan and leaves 12 stones in the bottom and takes 12 new stones to the other side, showing a new beginning in resurrection to possess the good land. It demonstrates warfare by faith…