Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings are celebrations of our Lord Jesus, where we remember Him, worship Him and learn from Him.  In a sense Sunday mornings are also like family reunions. Many small groups meet throughout the week for Bible studies, home groups, prayer gatherings, outreach events. While we value these smaller settings, we place special value on our all-together gathering on Sunday morning. We gather to enjoy Christ together, to sing together, and to learn from the word of God.

Meeting Style

Our meetings are pretty casual and diverse. You can come as you are, and you probably won’t have to worry about feeling out of place. See more pictures, to get a better idea what it’s like. We seek to conduct our meetings in an orderly way that glorifies God, however we generally encourage participation.


Cleveland Heights Church is blessed to have many good musicians. Depending on the event, music may range from electronica to classical ensembles. Right now, our Sunday worship usually consists of singing with guitar, keyboards, and djembe. We usually sing for about a half hour on Sunday mornings.

You are not just an audience for music at Cleveland Heights Church. We view each person as an integral part of worship. Your voice, heart, and participation matter. More about worship music.


The message is a time set aside to some spiritual nurture and teaching from the Word of God. The Word is not inert, it is a living thing, capable of changing lives in profound ways. Don’t be surprised if a speaker requests volunteers from the audience to demonstrate a point. At the same time, you don’t need to worry about being singled out if you are new — we only ask for volunteers who are okay with being up front for a few minutes. Listen to a message.


There is a place for children at Cleveland Heights Church. Usually, they join in the singing, then go downstairs for an age-appropriate lesson from the Bible. Parents are welcome to keep their children with them during the message or to visit the children’s lesson, too. Infrequently, we have a message that deals with themes that may not be appropriate for all ages, and we point that out before the message begins.

Where & When

The meeting usually lasts from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. We also have classes that meet Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM.