Poured Out As A Drink Offering (07-31-22)

Poured Out As A Drink Offering (07-31-22)


Once For All

By: Philip P. Bliss

Free from the law—oh, happy condition!
Jesus hath bled, and there is remission;
Cursed by the law and bruised by the fall,
Christ hath redeemed us once for all.

Once for all—oh, sinner, receive it;
Once for all—oh, doubter, believe it;
Cling to the cross, the burden will fall,
Christ hath redeemed us once for all.

There on the cross
Your burden upbearing,
Thorns on His brow
Your Savior is wearing;
Never again your sin need appall,
You have been pardoned once for all.

Now we are free—
There’s no condemnation;
Jesus provides
A perfect salvation:
“Come unto Me,”
Oh, hear His sweet call,
Come, and He saves us once for all.

Children of God—oh, glorious calling,
Surely His grace will keep us from falling;
Passing from death to life at His call,
Blessed salvation once for all.

Arise, My Soul, Arise

Words: Charles Wesley
Music: Traditional American

Arise, my soul, arise!
Shake off thy guilty fears;
The bleeding Sacrifice
In my behalf appears.
Before the throne my Surety stands;
My name is written on His hands.
My name is written on His hands.

He ever lives above
For me to intercede,
His all-redeeming love,
His precious blood to plead.
His blood was shed for all our race,
And sprinkles now the throne of grace.

Five bleeding wounds He bears,
Received on Calvary;
They pour effectual prayers;
They strongly speak for me.
Forgive him, O forgive, they cry,
Nor let that ransomed sinner die!

The Father hears Him pray,
His dear anointed One;
He cannot turn away
The presence of His Son.
His Spirit answers to the blood,
And tells me I am born of God.

To God I’m reconciled,
His pardoning voice I hear;
He owns me for His child,
I can no longer fear.
With confidence I now draw nigh,
And Father, Abba, Father, cry.

Hallelujah to the Man,
Hallelujah the One who gave His life;
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Hallelujah! Our perfect Sacrifice;
Hallelujah to the Son, the Son of God!


Chris Llewellyn & Gareth Gilkeson
added verses by Ian Konopinski

I lie broken at Your feet
Like an alabaster jar,
Every piece of who I am,
Laid before Your majesty.

I will bow my life
At Your feet, at Your feet;
My lips, so lost for words,
Will kiss Your feet, kiss Your feet.

The debt of sin I could not pay,
Your precious blood has washed away;
With tears of love and gratitude
I give my heart and life to You.

Though all may wonder, “why this waste?”
It’s my first Love that has first place;
In love, I pour out all my life
To satisfy You, Jesus Christ.

High Chorus
Oh, I love You, Lord,
I love You, Lord, I love You, Lord;
All my life poured out
All on You, all for You.


“Poured Out As A Drink Offering”

Message given by Daniel Schmitkons on July 31, 2022

Philippians 2:14-17
14 Do all things without complaining or arguments; 15 so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, 16 holding firmly the word of life, so that on the day of Christ I can take pride because I did not run in vain nor labor in vain. 17 But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all.

Philippians 1:21-26
21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. 23 But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; 24 yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sakes. 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith, 26 so that your pride in Christ Jesus may be abundant because of me by my coming to you again.